Personal LinkedIn Account — the Way to Promote Your Achievements and to Grow Visibility of Your Company

Published on
April 25, 2022
Maria Eliseeva

Why do you need your personal LinkedIn?

Finally we are back to in-person events but still you can get the first contact from the LinkedIn. You might hate attending various conferences being a hige introvert, so this is the great tool that will help you to connect to partners, startup founders, other VCs, potential employers.

2. Grow your value

By building you LinkedIn profile correctly you will grow you value as a potential speaker, market expert and enjoy the benefits of being part of a strong brand of your current and previous employers.

Creation of quality personal LinkedIn account will help your potential contacts to see the value of connecting with you. Not only job hunters use LinkedIn.


Think of it as your first step to building your personal brand on LinkedIn and making yourself stand out from other recruiters. Pick a photo that looks like you and use a high-resolution image. Make sure your face takes up at least 60% of the frame and be the only person in the picture wearing what you’d wear to work. Get someone else to take the picture for you. Take the photo in soft, natural light and use filters wisely.

You can event use a video for your LinkedIn profile photo. Remember that you can only record or upload a profile video from the LinkedIn mobile app. To add a profile video: Tap your profile photo, then tap View Profile. Tap the Add icon on your profile photo > then tap Add profile video.

Why to use video in our LinkedIn Profiles? The answer is simple:

Because the “human connection” is still vital to our business transactions. A picture (or a video) is worth a thousand words. You get so much priceless information about a person from seeing them walk, talk, move, present, sell.

Your background photo is second what viewers see on your profile page. It shows a little more about what matters to you. E.g. if you are promoting an event try to show it on your background picture. Avoid distracting backgrounds.

2. Multimedia content — can be added in Featured of Experience section

What types of videos can you use in my LinkedIn Profile? It can be video testimonials from happy customers, product demos, how-to videos, company news and updates and videos of you giving a speech, industry talk or presentation.

How to use your Networking Opportunities?

Grow your value

What is my action plan?

You should mention why this person can be interested in connecting. Maybe you read some interview with the potential contact or you are interested in his/her opinion on different matters, maybe you met at the conference etc.

While controversial posts will often get the most engagement and comments, do you really want people to associate that topic or content with you? Your connections will make assumption and form an opinion, which may or may not be in your favor. LinkedIn is not the correct platform for those discussions.

LinkedIn is a perfect networking tool! Even if you’re an introvert and hate attending in-person events, you can build necessary connections using LinkedIn.

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